Welcome to Finex, a personal budgeting tool.
If you would like to help clean up the site, fill out the welcome
pages, or redesign the site or its graphics, feel free to contact
me at apoelstra@wpsoftware.net.
You will not be compensated, but you can tack it onto your resume
or portfolio or whatever.
- Jan 3, 2011: Change budget progress calculation to include current day. Allow
progress to be set manually via "?progress=XX" in the URL, if desired.
- Jun 12, 2010: Added permanent account deletion. Be careful with this!
- Feb 26, 2010: Added ability to create new budgets (finally!). Deletion of
budgets and accounts still can't be done through web, though.
- Aug 19, 2009: Several stylistic improvements, expansion of account tables on
main page and account page.
- Aug 7, 2009: URL overhaul, paginated transaction pages, moved source into git,
- July 22, 2009: Redid targets page, various related bugfixes.
improved graph code, minor code cleanup, major AJAX restructuring.